Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove Wedding : Marc + Samantha

marc and samantha sanctuary cove wedding

Intercontinental Sanctuary Cove Wedding – Brisbane Wedding Photographer

Marc and Samantha had one of the most beautiful wedding receptions in the Grange room for their Sanctuary Cove wedding.  The Grange room has  a winery feel to it with the exposed timber and it was decorated perfectly.  Coupled with a ceremony in the cute little Sanctury Cove wedding Chapel, we were in for a great day!

Marc and the boys got dressed at Peppers Broadbeach in one of the Sky homes, an awesome place to stay the night before the big day.  The apartments at Peppers would be perfect for any Bride or Groom to get ready, great location and awesome for the photography.97601544

Sam and her girls stayed at Sanctuary Cove on the eve of the wedding to make sure they were close to the action for the following morning.  The girls were a bunch of fun and were all super excited about the wedding!

After the ceremony we took a few shots around the Sanctuary cove resort and went for a quick trip offsite to Jabiru Island to include a bit of green trees and golden sunshine.  Needless to say when we returned to Sanctuary cove for the wedding reception we were floored when we stepped in to the Grange room, fortunately we had the opportunity to spend some time in the room to photograph before the guests came in for a delicious dinner.

Massive thanks to Marc and Sam for letting us share in their wedding day, we had a blast!

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